Anuther coupla cents' worth ...

Given the political and social crapola/turmoil/inanity which is going on in the good ol' US of A and which seems bound to get worse, one can envisage another major "brain drain" of those who have more neurons than are necessary for bladder and bowel control.

Chances are that Canada will get a lot of those (for reasons of proximity and cultural compatibility), but many other countries are also bound to profit from the apparent Know-Nothing resurgence. [If you aren't familiar with that, check out mid-19th-century history; the parallels are unnerving.]

Depending on how many flee, the remnants of every nature could resemble a Monty Python sketch (but without the intellectual component). The primary beneficiaries will be the news media around the world reporting on such — ie, there will be much grist for their mills.