Thanks Joe, when my isp says: Our systems have alerted us that on 12/25/2013 malicious IP addresses in Russia & - an IP address in Belarus) logged into the FTP account and uploaded malicious files.We've removed the files from the account. The FTP password for the account has been changed to"

They are talking about my computer account right? Not some server I have nothing to do with. They are placing the blame on my shoulders...

But... you are saying they don't know what they are talking about? (and while they are smart, maybe you are smarter..).

They definitely blamed this on me, my weak password or what not, and demanded I got Sophos so as they don't have to save my ass in the future.

Their analysis was wrong? It's hard to get my head around it.

Ironically Sophos was driving me crazy for a year, asking every day or so if I wanted to clean up a threat (always a trojan attachment coming in from spam) I would go to Quarantine manager and clean up the threat). And enormous amounts of work and help from one of their top techs. I was able to have them clean up these threats without bothering me or me going to Qaurentine manager. Then this stuff started happening with the conflict with Super Duper. So maybe that's related?

Someone suggested elsewhere I try Avast or one other AV to see if it does not conflict with SD. But you advice would probably be to go barefoot, which is what I had breen doing for 10 years until I got that email from the isp, after I could not get into my blog. I'm open to bailing totally, but I probably would not tell the isp for awhile.