Java is…
  • A sophisticated object-oriented programming language
  • allows development of applications that will run cross platform without the necessity of re-compiling for each platform
  • a runtime environment that enables a program written in Java to run on your particular processor and OS environment
  • used to create full blown stand alone cross platform applications such as MoneyDance and OpenOffice as well as supporting specific functionalities in applications such as the database portion of NeoOffice/LibreOffice
  • used to create complex applets that only run within the confines of a browser but that is NOT to be confused with JavaScript
  • used for server side servlets that perform many functions on database and other servers.
Java was…
  • Origionally developed by Sun Microsystems
  • The Java Virrual Machine (JVM) on the Mac was originally ported by Apple from the Sun Microsystems master which inevitably resulted in the Apple version lagging well behind the Sun releases. Sun Microsystems was purchased by Oracle and Apple wisely ceded the development of the OS X version to Oracle
  • originally considered a very secure language because of restrictions and protections that were designed into the language and JVM but vulnerabilities have been found not so much in the design of Java as in its implementation by Sun and later Oracle.
Oracle is very conscious of this vulnerability and has added significant new protections to the JVM and continues to do so. Thus the frequent updates. NOTE If you do not shut down your browsers before installing a Java update the JavaAppletPlugin.plugin may not be properly installed and can result in repeated requests to update the JVM.
[b]You need Java if…[/ b]
  • You run applications that require the JVM for operation.
  • You visit web sites that use Java applets — most commonly game sites
  • If you do not have Java installed and an application or applet needs the JVM to run, OS X will direct you to the Oracle web site to download Java

"All you've got to do is own up to your ignorance
honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to
fill your head with information"
--Walt Disney