Originally Posted By: ryck
Originally Posted By: Virtual1
I regularly torrent movies that look interesting. I watch them as I have time, and if it's good I keep it and I usually buy the bluray.

…..which means you have paid the royalties and that's likely all the movie industry cares about.

Unfortunately, that's probably not what's on their minds most of the time. Their stated goal is to "Make their shareholders as much money as possible, by any means necessary." Everything after that is the means to that end. They would MUCH rather me go watch the movie ten times, and then buy everything they release, whether it be good or be crap. Then buy it again when they publish the extended cut. Then again when they sell the director's cut with bloopers. Then again when they re-release it on a different media.

Anything I (or you) do that costs them a sale they don't like. Some things they just like less than others, some things aren't as bad for PR than others, and some things they just have more laws on their side to encourage.

It's not greed. It's more like the natural order of things. Like you don't call a wolf "mean". They're not mean, they just eat cute furry things from time to time because that's just what they do. There's no malice in it. But that doesn't mean you have to like it or cooperate with them wink

I just wish I had a more direct way to support the artists. It's a lot more clear-cut with the RIAA because there's less involved, and it's possible for artists to release directly to consumers now. You can't really do that with movies. So all I can do is buy the movie if it's good, that's the fairest way for me to "vote with my wallet". They just don't like that because (A) I'm not being forced to pay and might stiff them even if I liked it, and (B) they can't rip me off as easily so they make less money on the average - see above.

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department