Originally Posted By: Ira L
The farmers might enjoy the extra daylight to harvest their crops, but the school kids would be walking to school in the dark if DST was year-round. Or so went the argument when the idea first surfaced way back when.

Y'all gotta be city folk. When the custom combiners come to town (so to speak), they're out there 24/7 until the job is done, with huge lights on the equipment which turn night into day. Then they move further north.
(Why north? you ask. They follow the direction of crop ripening — from the great plains to the prairies.)
And even if it's a small farming operation, the harvesters still use the lights.
And the kids don't give a rat's patoot if it's dark when they go to school. They just hope for a snow day or two from equinox to equinox.
Yee-haw! ... all around. laugh