Originally Posted By: kevs
Ok Joe, thanks. Then it's odd that it sometimes it takes a few days to update a contact on the iphone to the laptop or desktop? Or Vice versa.

iCloud syncing for contacts, calendars, and notes have been spotty for me and many others around me. I don't think they ever got it working as smoothly as they should have, which is surprising when you consider how many years they've been working on it.

On numerous occasions I've nervously walked someone through turning off and turning back on syncing of calendars or contacts to get them syncing between the user's phone and computer, but it's always fixed the updating issues. Some people have to do this with somewhat surpassing regularity, several times a year.

I personally don't see problems with my contacts or calendars, but notes is certainly buggy at times. I've learned not to leave a note open on my computer or my phone, because trying to update it on the other device, (or even just view it sometimes) tends to cause it to either duplicate the note or outright remove it from one of the devices.

Just the other day I had a note disappear off my phone. It was still on my computer, so I opened the note, and added and removed a space and closed the note, and the note then immediately popped up on my phone. A bit irritating and concerning, but I haven't had any data loss so far. I have had to go through and do a large amount of de-duping once I figured out that leaving a note open was causing duplications. (leaving an older and a newer version of the same note)

And my pet peeve: inability to manually sort notes. The last edited note is always at the top. I'd like to be able to manually sort them, I though it used to work this way? I can't even get it to sort by alphabetizing the first line. (the "usual trick")

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