My friend's gmail. Conversation view. In her SENT folder:

Email is from lists she subscribed to.

First scenario:

String title is ""

Click on the conversation, then there is an email from the sender with a reply that appears to be SENT by her to this address:

Second scenario:

String Title is ""

Click on the conversation, then there is an email from the sender with a reply that appears to be SENT by her to this address:


I advised her to unsubscribe to all her lists until we can get this figured out and resubscribe. So, If I mark these things as spam, is she going to be able to resubscribe without those emails going into spam? Any better ideas? It appears some aggressive marketer called has been hitting everyone, just Google it. (We already changed the password on the gmail account, etc.)

Edit: Screen shot here

Last edited by slolerner; 01/17/16 08:37 PM. Reason: more