Originally Posted By: grelber
Non-secure encryption keys and many other paranoid reasons. Allow a crack in the wall and it will most certainly expand.

so gt out disk utility and make a 100mb image with encryption. Put your data on that, and put the image in the cloud. Who cares who has access to the DMG? Only you have the key. (and whomever you give it to)

I use this approach with my SSH keys since I use pubic key login all the time. Your SSH keys are in a hidden folder in your home, with NO protection on them at all unless you are using filevalut. (which I do not) So when I login, a script mounts a little DMG from my home folder, using a key from my keychain (which my login pw unlocked). If my computer is stolen, they won't see my .ssh folder if they sled up my hdd. And if they reset my password and login as me, my DMG keychain won't unlock so my DMG won't mount.

Just because the channel is insecure doesn't mean you can't secure it and use it securely anyway.

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department