Originally Posted By: alternaut
For an entirely different kind of reading fodder, I can recommend Stieg Larsson's Millennium novels, even if you've seen any of the movies (and particularly the current US version of the first book). Be warned, though: you may postpone several of your other to-do items...

And the Millennium series continues with David Lagercrantz nailing the deceased Larsson's style. Note too that with one exception it's not a girl ...

Stieg Larsson:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Original/Swedish Title: Män som hatar kvinnor (Men who hate women)

The Girl Who Played with Fire
Original/Swedish Title: Flickan som lekte med elden (The girl who played with [the] fire)

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
Original/Swedish Title: Luftslottet som sprängdes (The air castle that was blown up)

David Lagercrantz:

The Girl in the Spider's Web
Original/Swedish Title: Det som inte dödar oss (That which doesn't kill us)

As for the movie versions, the US take doesn't hold a candle to the 3 Swedish films (based on the first 3 books).