The roads are "known" and "understood", even without a car or knowing how to drive.

Not to one whose date of birth renders him or her developmentally incapable of "knowing" and "understanding." In the case of roads, that would be an infant. In the case of apps...maybe the other end of the range?


I agree that a cornucopia of apps is insufficient incentive for one otherwise disinclined to buy an iPhone. I was incentivized (if I may be forgiven that participlation) to buy one to accomplish certain specific functions, the carrying out of which mandated that I slog through the app store offerings in search of appropriate solutions. The same profusion that makes the search so cumbersome is what makes it possible to find, at least in some cases, exactly what you're looking for. The biggest problem is the interface provided for doing so.

dkmarsh—member, FineTunedMac Co-op Board of Directors