Originally Posted By: artie505
If Kevs has arrived at his programmed destination, why would he be getting further instructions?

You may have arrived at what you know to be the destination but not at the exact coordinates where the GPS thinks the destination is. To further complicate matters the map coordinates used by the GPS for the destination may be in error and the error tolerance may be less than the precision the GPS device is capable of. Until you are at, not near the coordinates as far as the GPS is concerned you aren't there yet even if you are standing at the door of the building. Until the GPS is either satisfied your have arrived or has been turned off it will persistently tell you how to get to where it believes the destination is.

Some mapping systems are worse than others about this. The GPS in my Volkswagen has a relatively wide tolerance and so it is very good at recognizing when you are "close enough" and terminating guidance. I have found Apple Maps in iOS 9 beta to be good about that too. The GPS in my camper and Google maps sometimes make me want to scream at them saying, "#$%@ IT I AM HERE ALREADY!" On the iPhone, I usually just double tap on the Home button, select the GPS application and swipe it to the top of the screen to completely turn it off. Not only does that silence the nagging, it saves the iPhone battery because the GPS is no longer continually querying the satellites to determine its location.

"All you've got to do is own up to your ignorance
honestly, and you'll find people who are eager to
fill your head with information"
--Walt Disney