Originally Posted By: jchuzi
"And please, don’t offer me condolences about Cecil unless you’re also willing to offer me condolences for villagers killed or left hungry by his brethren, by political violence, or by hunger." Goodwell Nzou

Condolences to no one.
The basic reason for all the world's ills is overpopulation. (Gee, I wonder where I've heard that before?)
The herd needs to be culled by 50% — and I mean that ecumenically (= universally = across the board), no picking favorites.
If that were to happen overnight, tomorrow there would almost certainly be no famines, starvation, political unrest qua wars, close-quarter disease, etc.
But that ain't gonna happen, so Gaia will use those selfsame measures to even the playing field and bring herself back in equilibrium (homeostasis). I would really like to be around to see that happen — but I have no illusions in that regard given her usual time frames.
A minor aside: There is a mantra in reproductive medicine (at least as promulgated in the west) that good nutrition is essential for fecundity. Every day and in every way this is belied by the facts on every continent.