Originally Posted By: ryck
I opened one with TextEdit and it said:


NOTE: I put the carriage returns in the above information from TextEdit because it pasted as one long line headed somewhere out the right side of the FTM screen.

unfortunately that mauled it good. those pluses indicate truncation. (data loss) that's base64 encoded text and is normally readable but is easier to deal with when it's complete.

1. open a terminal window and type "cat " (notice the space after the "t", it's important, and don't type the quotes), DON'T hit return yet
2. drag and drop the file into the terminal window so it will enter its path for you
3. type " | openssl base64 -d" and hit return
if the file is legal base64, it will decode it for you. the output may be binary, and unreadable. if it is, close the terminal window and open a new one, and repeat above but for the second part, add this instead:
3. type " | openssl base64 -d | xxd -c 32" and hit return
and see what that gets you

I took a look at a chunk of it though and it looks like binary data

If that doesn't work, try this step three instead:
3. " | while read x ; do echo "$x" | sed 's/.\{64,64\}/& /g' | tr ' ' '\n' | openssl base64 -d ; done | xxd -c 32"

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department