So, if anyone has not been following my Google Mail saga, I want to stop relaying our mail inboxes to Google Mail. Google is only checking our server every few minutes and the store is getting batches of email at a time.

Requirements: We have five active mailboxes for @name of store. Everyone is on a Mac. The owner's assistant has to see the mail from all five boxes at once. One of those boxes is the owners box. The owner only wants to see her inbox as well as a private, personal aol account without looking in two places. That arrangement would also work well for her husband, who has an @storename as well as an aol box.

We have had all mailboxes forwarding into a Google mail address and separating into folders per email address and when you went to the inbox could see them all. That part was good. The owner had a separate Google mail address and the aol personal account as well as the name@storename address were forwarding to that second account. That is all the owner needs. What I did a few days ago was to set things up so outgoing messages from the store were routed back through our server so I would capture outgoing as well as incoming mail. The owner thinks if we get about a month of complete mailboxes on our server, we can migrate and will not need any detritus in Google Mail.

They are using google calendar, other things like that. So, advise, please.

Last edited by slolerner; 05/01/15 07:19 PM. Reason: Mistake