" . . . You lost icon placement in all your folders. When you look at a folder in Icon View, you'll see the icons arranged in their default order. If you never bothered to arrange your icons in any special order, you won't notice, and this is not an unwanted behavior . . .

Actually, for some reason, I had the icons arranged in TAG order and those remained showing at the top of the window with the non-tagged folders and files following in alphabetical order by name.

The only changes that I experienced in the Finder Windows were: 1. the BACKGROUNDS all reverted to white and, 2. the ICONS all returned to the default pixel size. I do not use the COMMENTS feature so, consequently, noticed no changes there. But the PREVIEW ICONS remained intact - or instantly regenerated themselves - on all files and photos i.e. jpg, pps, odt, rtf, pdf, txt, png, log, app, webarchive, etc. (The only ones that did/have not are the .doc files.)

I make no claims for being any kind of "expert" in explaining "the whys or hows" of these matters, but I am able to relay my experience - which may be of some use to someone down the line. smile