I'm typing this from Vancouver, Canada, having officially wrapped up the book tour late last night. Tomorrow I head back home to Portland, and sleep in my own bed for the first time in seven weeks.

And my, what an interesting trip it was. We spoke in front of hundreds of people, visited the Grand Canyon and Meteor Crater, slept in the desert, and everywhere we met amazing people with interesting stories to tell. (One of the most surreal things about the tour was meeting hundreds of absolutely fascinating people, many of whom I may likely never see again.) Along the way, we blew a tire, lost the radiator (that was an expensive fix!), met dozens of cats (we're both cat people), got altitude sickness, had a deer *and* a bear jump in front of the van on rural roads, and made a wrong turn in Colorado that took us hours out of our way over a steep, narrow mountain pass.

I can't wait for the next one!

Photo gallery, all about me, and more: www.xeromag.com/franklin.html