Actually, you don't get glyphosate in your diet from RR crops. Glyphosate is generally sprayed on crops when they first sprout.

All large-scale agriculture uses pesticides of some sort (even organic agriculture). The beauty of glyphosate is that it's so low in toxicity to humans. It works by interrupting an enzyme necessary for photosynthesis, and, well, we don't do photosynthesis. The toxicity of glyphosate is slightly lower than the toxicity of baking soda.

Without it, we use much, much more toxic herbicides and pesticides. (Organic farming in particular uses some *extremely* toxic pesticides, like copper sulfate and pyrethrins.) So ironically, people who are frightened of glyphosate and choose non-RR crops actually expose themselves to greater, not lower, levels of toxicity.

Of course, this doesn't explain being scared of things like GM soybean oil, which has no pesticides--or indeed any plant material related in any way whatsoever to how the plant was grown.

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