The "Mdisk" idea is interesting, but I think it's a gimmick. It does no good to have a disk that can endure the ages if the reader and the file format are lost.

DVD drives are being replaced by Blu-Ray. As time goes on it will be harder and harder to find a DVD player any more, just as it's now all but impossible to find a VHS player. When the next storage device after Blu-Ray comes along, it will be hard to find Blu-Ray players. At that point, what good will a DVD Mdisk be? In 40 years, will there be a working DVD player left anywhere? What's the point of a disk that can last hundreds of years if the player for it can't be found?

I used to work at a shop that used magneto-optical discs for archiving. These things were supposedly extremely stable, able to store information for centuries. But they never really became popular, as they were quite slow. Pinnacle Micro made the drives we had. It stopped making the drives a long time ago. You can still occasionally find them on eBay...assuming you have a SCSI-equipped computer to connect them to! But those discs that could last for centuries and centuries? In ten or twenty years they'll still have data, sure...but so what?

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