I moved your question (and Artie's response) out of the 7 Pass Zero-out Drive on a Latest System? thread and into this new thread here in the FineTunedMac Feedback forum.

When we move an entire thread from one forum to another public forum we leave what's called a pointer that appears in the original forum's list of threads. That pointer has the same name as the moved thread but has a black arrow in the far left column, and is basically a post that contains a link to the moved thread and usually also notes who moved it from where to where.

It's not clear to me which forum you were/are seeing the red (1) on but if it's the "Mac OS X 10.0 - 10.5.x" forum where "7 Pass Zero-out Drive on a Latest System?" was started then it seems likely the pointer is the cause. Whichever forum it is, though, the red number should disappear once you visit that forum.

FineTunedMac Forums Admin