The article you linked to came on the same day Glenn Greenwald (who published materials leaked by Snowden in The Guardian) announced that he was leaving The Guardian for a 'once-in-a-career dream journalistic opportunity' creating a new and large scale news organization. The day before Greenwald had stated that the worst [of the Snowden leaks] was yet to come. One wonders about possible links between the two...

In this context it's interesting to note that earlier today the French daily Le Monde published Snowden-sourced data indicating that the NSA had collected metadata from about 70 million French phone calls during a single month about a year ago. This article also shed light on the nature of 1.8 million Dutch phone calls intercepted by the NSA last year, a number derived from a graph published by the German Spiegel weekly this summer. The official French reaction was markedly muted, perhaps because the French (like the British) operate similar data collection programs. The Dutch were less amused, presumably because they are/were not. Be that as it may, these latest revelations don't yet qualify as 'the worst', suggesting it could be worthwhile to keep (y)our eyes/ears peeled for more.

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