Good catch dkmarsh! I had never even thought of editing an appointment using the Get Info window. I usually enter my appointments in Calendar on OS X by clicking on the plus (+) sign on the Calendar tool bar and simply typing in something like…
American Flight 2071 @ 7:22 am Friday
Which automatically opens an edit window to set any alarms etc then I click on Done. When I check the appointment on my iPhone or iPad it shows the time to be 7:22 AM, and if I have set an alert 1 hour before, the alert goes off at 6:22 AM on OS X and on both iOS devices.

If you initiate an event or change an event's time in Calendar on the iPhone or iPad you can only set the time in 5 minute intervals so in my example, I would have to set Flight 2071 to arrive/depart/whatever at 7:20 or 7:25. confused

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein