Thanks for the quick, helpful response. smile

First, my bad for forgetting to mention CPU load, which does not max out on my deuced Mac(hina), but does run at about 35%/core...enough to get my fans working overtime.

I also forgot to mention that both Safari's and Safari Web Content's RAM usage go through the roof.

I've now tried disabling JavaScript and gotten essentially the same results you got.

This is interesting: (In Safari)
  • I enable JavaScript.
  • When the timer hits zero and the stuttering starts I disable JavaScript.
  • The animation resumes its normal sequence, but the timer remains at zero.
  • I enable JavaScript and the stuttering resumes, apparently because the timer is stuck at zero.
  • I disable JavaScript and reload the page, and the animation is as expected and the timer is gone.
True confession time: I've read any number of posts that explain Java and JavaScript, but it's all gone in one eye and out the other, so will you please link me to the thread or post you consider definitive on the subject so I can finally (maybe) absorb the info?


Edit: I just let the animations run with JavaScript disabled, and without the timers, the sequences never updated/advanced from their starting times.

Last edited by artie505; 02/16/13 12:25 PM.

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In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire