Ryck and Jon, those experiments which you kindly did, are such a relief. I read your earlier posts and then went away to do something else.

Returning, I find that you have the same results as me, in Firefox. Back-experimenting, I tried that site in Safari and as you say, it works there.

Well, Safari is only in my world as a back-up, in extremis, resource, because it came with the Macs. I use the Chicago Commodities Exchange 6 days out of 7 for work and I really don't see why I should fire up a non-Firefox browser every day just for them. I'll stick with print page 2 of 2 for now: they'll redesign their website again in a few months. They always do.

The Chicago exchange techies are really tough: I actually phoned them once, when they had yet again rearranged their vast website and I could not find the derivatives I needed. Shouting down the phone, they "said", (rudely IMO) "WHAT VERSION BROWSER YOU ON?"

You don't get that kind of customer service in England. (joke: it's worse! You get no response whatsoever, or get sucked into an endless whirlpool of 'for this press 1', 'for that press 2', 'for the other press 3', 'for anything else hold on'.....for Ever until you give up and rant about it/them on public messageboards.)

Since you did, thanks for reading. smile

Last edited by Bensheim; 11/03/12 07:10 PM.