Originally Posted By: Bensheim

It's hard to know what to say without sounding dismissive or cruel. Maybe that's why not many people reply to you here, because they just don't know what to say to you, or because they have never heard of your music, and it seems an unlikely thing to try to discuss on a technical forum?

FWIW AFAIK we're all adults here who've been around forums for years. People appear on messageboards all the time claiming to be very young or very old, to be on the verge of suicide or very ill, to have this that and the other "interesting" things about them, to attract attention and gain sympathy. You could be exactly as you say you are - about 12 years old with ADHD, in which case, how's the medication going? You could, OTOH, be a middleaged loner/loser with nothing better to do than to pretend to be an obsessive 12yr old. I'm sorry, but I for one have seen it all before, elsewhere.

Cyn can delete this if she wants but I suspect that somehow I'm saying what others might be thinking. I'm not a nasty person, I've just been on many forums for years and that makes me kinda cynical. frown

If I've got this all wrong then I apologise to PChatperson, but we'll never know, will we?
Of COURSE I'm who I say I am. I'm not that kind of person who lies to people like that. About the medication, not so well. it doesn't work, but I'd rather not talk about that.