The recommendations in the article you link to are valid and useful, and—ideally—should be implemented by everyone. FYI, this and other articles like it have been brought up in THE CYBER-SECURITY THREAD, particularly after the recent Flashback trojan outbreak (see posts starting April 2012).

That said, it's important to see this in perspective: so far, the main vectors for Mac malware turn out to be 3rd party sources, in particular Java, Adobe Acrobat Reade, Adobe Flash, and/or their (web) plugins. Another (necessarily) weak link is the user who needs to keep his software up to date to receive the benefit of security patches, disable unsafe web browser settings, make sure that OS built-in defenses are enabled, avoid installing unnecessary software from unknown sources that might harbor malware, and in general refrain from the behavior on which the social engineering approach of much cybercrime relies.

To the extent that Apple can influence all this, you see a trend toward automated/'forced' updates and changing default settings like the disabling or removing of user options that have proven gateways for malware intrusion, while enabling and adding others that increase security. In addition, Apple has started to require 'sandboxing' for 3rd party App Store software, in an attempt to limit potential malware access to vital System resources targeted before. Of course, much of this only works with recent or upcoming versions of Mac OS X, as older ones are no longer supported and lack the means for direct remediation by Apple. This top-down control trend is fully expected to grow in upcoming versions of Mac OS X.

The bottom line is that Mac OS X is not, never was and likely never will be full (let alone fool-) proof security-wise, and increasingly requires the user to proceed with a degree of caution. But it still doesn't get PC viruses, as tacit stated. smirk

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