Originally Posted By: ryck
Originally Posted By: Bensheim
....has just suggested to someone with a software problem that she take her computer apart, and spray the contents with WD-40.

Whatever else you do, before it's too late, you should let this lady know that she should not be spraying WD 40 inside her computer as it is most likely to cause irreparable damage.

Your "fathead" may be worse than just stupid. He could be one of those strange people who take delight in causing problems for others.

If this lady is a Mac person you might also suggest she join FineTunedMac, where she can get appropriate, honest and reliable advice on any issues she might have....from people who know and care.

The lady in question is one I have respect for: a rare thing with messageboard people - Not Here, I hasten to add. I have respect for just about everyone here - and I'm sure she wouldn't do anything that stupid.

She shares my view on the fathead (has verified this by PM). He is not malicious, just extremely stupid.

Alas, she's not on a Mac yet, but my closing post to her before she went off-line was to urge her to get at least one. (I don't understand why people have only one computer. If you have at least two, you can use the functioning one to check the internet for advice and solutions if/when the other malfunctions.......)