I would hazard a guess that somewhere early on when you were trying out some website such as http://www.speedtest.net (which runs a Java Applet to get its' result) you were prompted to install Java from the Apple support download page and simply forgot that you did that.....

In my case, that's exactly what I did.....and then there are those pesky Java utilities that companies as DLink embed in their control pages for IP cameras and such. I discovered that 10.7.3 actually disabled the Java runtime that I had installed earlier and I had to go find the intermediate update which resolved the security issues at that time -- and now the latest version is the one that we both have installed, 1.6.0_31-b04-413.

That version specifically addresses the risk presented by the Trojan described in the article above. (CVE-2012-0507)

(Edited to add the specific CVE addressed)

Last edited by MacManiac; 04/04/12 04:54 PM.

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