I thought I would check (using Command F) just for the educational aspect but could not see, given the apparent options, how I would add system files to the search.

1. In Finder, type Command-F. A Finder search window opens. Enter your search term(s).

2. Click the plus sign at the right side of the window to add another search condition.

3. Click on Kind, and choose Other… from the pop-up menu. A sheet descends with a long alphabetical list of attributes.

4. Scroll down to System files and select it. It's not a bad idea to check the In Menu checkbox while you're at it; this will save having to invoke the Other… sheet in any future case that you want to include System files in your search.

5. Click OK, then click on don't include and choose include from the pop-up menu (that's assuming Snow Leopard engages in the same counterintuitive practice as Leopard of assuming that though you've just included the System files attribute you don't want to make use of it).

dkmarsh—member, FineTunedMac Co-op Board of Directors