Originally Posted By: Rain
I have just scanned and imported a couple of hundred photos. After import I have renamed most. I have ben trying to find specific pics using the search function. I assumed that it would search by title, but it doesn't seem to be working. For instance I know that there are 3 photos amongst 12,339 that are called 'portrait'. If I put his into the search (search by 'all' because it doesn't offer title) I get about 500 pictures selected and only one of the portrait's!........ what's going on?

Any suggestions gratefully received.

If you're using iPhoto's built-in search engine (as tacit has suggested) you may want to try searching for your photos using a different engine.

I suggest that you start with OS X's built-in Spotlight, and if you can't work with it try EasyFind (Freeware).

Last edited by artie505; 12/05/11 03:09 AM. Reason: Massive cleanup

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In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire