Speaking of Magic Mouse ...

The batteries in that little sucker sure don't last long!
Despite their being Energizer Advanced AA (with a shelf life to March 2018), after less than 20 days' use, they're down to 25% capacity (= battery level, according to the meter in System Preferences under Mouse). And I turn the MM off overnight and on other occasions when I won't be using the computer for 6 hours or more.
I don't know when that means they'll crap out completely. But let's say they last a month, that's 24 AAs per year — a tidy sum to add to the cost of use.
I probably should have opted for the corded version (as I did with the keyboard), but I liked some of the features of the MM.
(I know, bitch, bitch, bitch ... but I would not have expected such a rapid drain, even though I was warned that third-party wireless mice were notorious for eating up batteries.)