Originally Posted By: grelber
Several descriptors come to mind: Deluded. Demented. Morons.

Originally Posted By: grelber
Beyond the observation that most of the 'protestors' were admirably decked out in the latest finery, were sporting cellphones, etc, giving new meaning to the word hypocrisy*, it's pretty clear that the protests (in North America at least) were merely outings in the park (so to speak).
* It is clear that most of them owed their attendance and accoutrements precisely to the capitalism which they were decrying.

The Occupy Atlanta outing, which denied a politician the right to speak, ostensibly because the 'movement' should be perceived as leaderless, was a tad misguided.

And, of course, leaderless movements have such a great record of success. Tien An Men Square is a prime example of where that leads. If memory serves, the last time anarchy had a glimmer of a toe hold was just before WWI when Gavrilo Princip threw a bomb into the carriage of Archduke Ferdinand.

Give me a good old-fashioned protest march with respect to something that matters and is focussed, such as anti-nukes (early '60s) and anti-Vietnam War (late '60s and early '70s).
But also consider that the latter had no real impact either.

That assessment from someone who doesn't know how to 'delete a file' after using Mac OS for over a decade? I think you can find [deleted] just by looking in the mirror.

Since you openly condone deceit and kleptomania as perpetrated by big banks and other titans of trade, i would assume you can more than afford to get broadband service yourself. So you should use that extra bandwidth to visit YouTube and view some of the news reports (that you've obviously missed) from 2008-2010 to educate yourself.

Archduke Ferdinand? confused Gimme a break. tongue

Last edited by alternaut; 10/17/11 04:46 PM. Reason: removed ad-hominem remark