RE 1. But did you try the URL I posted?
In Snow Leopard I've got a fax log, so it seemed reasonable that Lion might generate one. (Edit: In case it's not obvious, fax is under /private/var/log.)

The URL posted led to Apple discussion group, which wasn't relevant.
How do I find /private/var/log — whatever that is?
As I've noted, I have no clue how OS X organizes stuff, how to find anything (trying searches usually just gives me a huge list of stuff that doesn't address the issue; eg, if I search for "fax", it gives me a thousand documents with the word fax in the file name, which in fact do not have the word in the file name). All very frustrating.

RE 3. The current equivalent of KeyFinder is, I guess, /Apps/Font Book.

That doesn't even come close; just a picture of keys without a way to choose where to find things such as 2-em dash (opt+shift+hyphen). This is all going to be a real pain without KeyFinder.