I've ordered the two new iMacs, delivery Thursday.

Taking a very close look at the spec, I see they'll come with Apple wireless keyboards, which are nearly half the width having no numeric pad. Navigation keys are elsewhere on the tiny cramped keyboard.

We won't be using them. I can only think that whoever designed this, does not have to input numbers on spreadsheets.

Talking of keyboards, yesterday I took it upon myself to clean the two filthy keyboards on my boss's desk. At first I used a spray disinfectant, which the old black buckling-spring keyboard just sneered at. Next I tried glass cleaning spray, which the grimy keyboard also shrugged aside. Eventually I reached for the Mister Muscle Removes Grease spray, clean cloth and 50-odd cotton buds. I finished it off with a blast from a hair dryer and an hour later had done an excellent job; the keyboard looks 10 years younger.

However, he later reported a problem. It types spaces all by itself. It seems that I killed it with my hygienic ferocity. Good job we have spare keyboards stashed about the place. smile