Originally Posted By: macnerd10
To help you with real life preferences, you can make the invisible files visible using some Finder commands...

Originally Posted By: kevs
I know of invisible files, but Joe is talking about hidden preferences. I'd love to see some apps I know and love hidden preference and where macpilot does this.

Originally Posted By: dkmarsh
I don't think what Joemikeb and kevs are discussing are invisible files; they're discussing hidden preferences—an entirely different matter.

But ironically enough, enabling invisibles in Finder does involve accessing its hidden pref...

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE

...so, it's all relative. wink

[edit: actually, no irony perhaps... that's probably exactly what Alex meant to convey.]

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 06/20/11 01:33 AM. Reason: fixed the key: AppleShowAllFiles