Jeez, more than a few posts here resemble the carping that must have gone on about the coming of the Iron Horse.

Like it or not, social media is the current face of communication. Obviously there are growing pains and unfortunately most of it is being programmed by PC-types (Facebook is far from intuitive), but it remains the place where most people get their information. Plenty of people, companies, etc., misuse it, but whereas advertising and marketing are a one-way broadcasting of something, social media is two-way and is what "communicating" is really all about. Stick to the "old ways" if you must, but like the club room at the Harvard Club, I'd bet the accumulating dust is really becoming annoying.

A Facebook page seems redundant to this forum; maybe you could use Twitter to broadcast your presence to a wider community and to solicit others' opinions and suggestions about how to proceed.