Originally Posted By: ryck

I agree in reference to a global view of things like style. However, I think there are people who have an innate "sense of taste". Those are the people who just seem to know that "this goes with that" - the folks who others always comment on as "having great taste".


I don't think that's innate. I think it's more the Rule of 10,000 Hours in operation.

There are people who, for whatever reason, pay attention to fashion, think about fashion from a young age. There was an interesting podcast I was listening to a while ago that basically said there's no such thing as innate genius; that people who are brilliant at something, whether it be painting or music or engineering or fashion, are brilliant simply because of the focus they give it and the amount of attention they devote to it.

The podcast proposed that anyone who spends ten thousand hours thinking about and doing something will become brilliant at it, whatever it may be. That "innate" sense of fashion or "innate" talent for architecture isn't really innate at all; it's the consequence of spending years and years focused on that thing, living it and breathing it and sleeping it.

Often, we do this when we're children, before we're really even consciously aware of it. The kids who spend a lot of focus on being popular become popular; the kids who spend their focus thinking about math become good at math. Differences in temperament ad situation might tend to make some people want to focus on one thing over another, but anyone who spends ten thousand hours paying attention to something will become very good indeed at it.

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