The different behaviors in your and your wife's experience with Mail's mailboxes may simply be a function of Mail's flakiness in displaying mailboxes which reside on the server. For example, in my .Mac account, my Drafts folder comes and goes. Right now, I don't have one in Mail's sidebar. Several weeks ago, I wanted to save a composed email prior to sending it, and noticed I had no Drafts folder. Saving the message induced the appearance of that folder, but sometime since then, unbeknownst to me until just now, it disappeared again.

A while back, launching Mail always introduced a Junk folder into the sidebar. I would select and delete the smattering of messages contained therein, then successfully delete the mailbox, only to have it reappear on next launch. I assumed that for some reason, the Junk folder on the server was being displayed in Mail's sidebar, but that didn't used to happen, and it's no longer happening.

dkmarsh—member, FineTunedMac Co-op Board of Directors