I pieced together a shell script to display (and optionally obliterate) Flash's cookie stash. Simply run with no args to view the crumbs. Any arg except -h (or anything with an H or h in it) will erase said items.

cfc (Clear Flash Cookies)

#!/bin/bash -u -
# cfc  :::  Clear Flash Cookies
#(c)EF/-HI-2010.Sep.23 [rev:2010.Sep.25]
IFS=$' \t\n'
declare -x PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
declare -i x=0 c=0 k=0
subf= args= list=
PRG=`basename "$0"`

trap tabs EXIT

Help () {
	printf '\e[4mClear Flash Cookies\e[0m\nUsage:\n'
	printf '\t\e[1m%s\e[0m [\e[1m-?\e[0m]\n\n' $PRG
	printf 'Run with no args to list the cookies.\n'
	printf 'Any arg except -h clears the cookies.\n'
	exit 1

[ $# -ne 0 ] && [[ $1 = *[Hh]* ]] && Help

Tree () { # print a tree of the cwd:
	local dir= par= ind= fix=
	dir=`pwd -P`; par=`dirname "$dir"`; tabs -5; ind=$'\t'
	[[ $par = / ]] && fix=$ind
	find -x "$dir" -print0 |xargs -0 ls -1dfF |sed 's:'"$par"':'"$fix"':;
		s:/$: \\:;s:[^/]*/:'"$ind"':g;s: \\$:/:;s:'"$ind"':'"$fix"':;
		1s:'"$fix"'::' |sed "s:[/*@=|%]$:`printf '\e[1m&\e[0m'`:"

GoToFolder () {
	2>/dev/null cd "$1" >&2 && return 0 || {
		printf 'cannot access folder: %s/\n\a' "$1"
		return 1

ScanFolder () {
	GoToFolder "$1" || return 1
	c=`ls -p1 |grep -e '/$' |wc -l |sed 's:[^0-9]::g'`
	subf=`ls -p1 |grep -e '/$' |sed 's:/$::;s: :\?:g'`

	case $c in
	0)	printf 'no subfolders exist in: %s\n' "$1"; return 1;;
	1)	args=$subf;;
	*)	args=-f\ $subf;;

	list=`find -x $args -not -type d`

	if [[ -n $list ]]
		[ $k -eq 0 ] && printf '\n\e[7mFILES FOUND:\e[0m'
		printf '\n\e[1;4m%s\e[0;1m/\e[0m\n' "$1"
		echo "$list" |tr '\n' '\000' |xargs -0 ls -legthrob
	return 0

for d in $DR1 $DR2; do ScanFolder "$d"; done

[ $k -eq 0 ] && printf 'already cleared...\n'
printf '\n\e[7mTREE LISTING:\e[0m\n'
printf '\e[1;4mPREFS\e[0m\n'
GoToFolder $DR1 && Tree
printf '\n\e[1;4mCACHE\e[0m\n'
GoToFolder $DR2 && Tree

if [ $# -ne 0 ] && [ $k -ne 0 ]
then  # remove cookie & cache items, but leave "basic" directory trees intact:
	GoToFolder $DR1 &&
	    rm -fR {macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys,#SharedObjects/*}/*
	GoToFolder $DR2 && rm -fR AssetCache/*/*
	[ $x -eq 0 ] && printf '\e[30;42m FLASH COOKIES CLEARED \e[0m\n' ||
			printf '\e[37;41m %s: an error occurred \e[0m\n' $PRG
exit $x

Before anyone points out that there are much simpler ways to "do" this, please note the (only) two comments in the code, and consider that i was bending over backwards to preserve the original (base) folder structure... though i don't remember why (perhaps just as a coding exercise).


EDIT: the -h option just brings up some help text...
$ cfc -h
Clear Flash Cookies
	cfc [-?]

Run with no args to list the cookies.
Any arg except -h clears the cookies.

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 09/25/10 10:17 PM.