Originally Posted By: ryck
Tacit now changes the direction of the thread from video games to books and waxes eloquent about Use of Weapons. He concludes with what I perceive as a veiled swipe at me but I choose to ignore it.

Ah, I guess tht might explain some of the prickliness I'm picking up from you since then.

No, that wasn't a veiled, or overt, swipe at you; in fact, I wasn't even holding you in mind when I wrote it. I was talking specifically to the point that a great many people (not you) do seem to hang onto the notion that Great Literature must only be in some written genres, and other written genres can never be literature. (I don't know if you believe that or not, but I haven't seen any reason to think you do.)

I am not a passive communicator. When I take swipes at folks, they're never veiled. smile

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