Rooted in both your many years of experience and your displayed expertise, your response tells me in no uncertain terms to avoid OWC's 12", $3.79 (+ $1.95) cable like the plague.

Your linked cable (You typed "a 7 inch, 9 pin to 9 pin, firewire 400 cable," but I assume you meant 6 pin to 6 pin.), on the other hand, prices out at no less than $15.95 + $9.90, and that's awfully pricey for what is pretty much an experiment.

I'm thinking, though, that my 12", $8.95 (+ $7.00) alternative might be worth the price, and I'll report back if I do the deed. (Drat! They don't accept PayPal. frown )

Your other suggestions are either off-the-board as respects my deuced Mac(hina), more onerous than I care to or even need to get involved with, or stuff that I already do.

Thanks. smile

Last edited by artie505; 07/14/10 08:03 AM. Reason: Changed prices

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In Memory of Harv: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~Voltaire