Originally Posted By: artie505
Artie-s-Computer-4:~ artie$ sudo diff -qr /Volumes/HD/sbin/ /Volumes/HDx/sbin/ |grep '^Only in'
Artie-s-Computer-4:~ artie$ 

I dunno? confused

That's a surprising "difference". [i.e., none.]

Okay Artie-pants wink ... let's try this then:

ls -ago /Volumes/*/sbin

(also, the first command without the
grep filter should have output: diff -qr /Volumes/HD/sbin/ /Volumes/HDx/sbin/ —but, ls -ago /Volumes/*/sbin should be equally informative).

While we're at it, let's look at /bin as well (since it has less files and a bigger size discrepancy):

ls -ago /Volumes/*/bin


BTW, i'm wondering now if this all isn't simply due to SL's new "compressed storage" feature in HFS+. The boot volume maintains a compressed version... but a restore operation will expand the data onto the backup volume.

That would also explain why Finder's Get Info measurement is off as well:
$ du -hxd1 /sbin
2.6M /sbin

If i look at /sbin with a Finder Get Info window, it reports 7.5 megs.

Also... between /bin /sbin and /usr there are a fair amount of multi-linked files. I wonder to what extent that linkage gets preserved, or what may be copied over as multiple file instances. [we can check that if you like.]

Scratch multi-linked files... I think it's the compression mainly.

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 06/25/10 05:01 PM.