Originally Posted By: alternaut
Well, before you get all too worked up, let’s consider what your hosting provider (assuming that source is not in question!) just said:
1. You’re receiving a ton of spam.
2. You’re sending a ton of spam.
As responsible providers they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to in such circumstances: notify you.

With regard to item #1, you seem to have done pretty much what you can do, although that won’t have much if any effect on what hits your provider’s mail servers. Hard to see how they can blame you, let alone find grounds to sanction you when they can put filters in place themselves. Still, it won’t hurt to ask for more details.

Again, to show how little I know about this and how trusting I am - IF I were sending shed-loads of spam, wouldn't that show in my out-box?

I'm not sending spam! I'm a victim of their hosted spam too! And as far as I can see I've done all I can to stop it.

I have replied with (commendable) restraint asking them to look at the headers and stating that since my email address has clearly been spoofed by spammers there's nothing I can do about it, is there?

Item #2 is far more serious, since your provider can verify the source of the spam originating from its network, and if they say it’s you, they may be right. If true, that means that one or more of your computers has been subverted and cranking out spam with you blissfully unaware of this. Nobody really says (nor cares if) you’re doing it knowingly, as long as your hardware’s the source. smirk

Again, it won’t hurt to ask your provider for more details, and check your computer(s) for a possible source. Windows boxes may be first suspects, but Macs are not impervious. After all, there's such a thing as 'operator SNAFU', and I assume you're not the only person in the company.

What are Windows boxes?

No I'm not the only one here, this is a two-man operation. But my partner can barely send a two-line email, he needs supervision just to do that.

In any case, I don't need to explain this set-up to them, we are not initiating the spam. Plus, I am frankly askance at their threat to suspend our business emailing when I have been a paying customer for so long - years and years.

Actually, their "warning" to suspend our accounts is almost offensive. I reckon.


They don't work weekends. Therefore I won't get a reply till Monday at the earliest.