Hmm? Someone is getting tricky with this page. This page does not download to my computer as a PDF. It is downloading as an image on the web page. If I attempt to print it using the standard Safari print command, I get the blank page you and Jon mentioned. However, I noticed at that bottom of the site page a tool bar with a printer icon on it. When I click on that icon, not the Safari print icon, there is a delay of a few seconds with a note to the effect the print is being prepared. Then the normal printer dialog appears and I can print to the printer or I can print to PDF and either one works perfectly.

I haven't gone rummaging through the code for the page to see what is going on and I don't know if this is a Flash image or HTML 5 that is generating the screen image and print image. It could easily be either, but it doesn't "feel" like Flash.

If we knew what it was we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

— Albert Einstein