Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis

In this context, various posts in MacInTouch's Security Reader Report are relevant. Among others, I found Gregory Tetrault's comments especially interesting, suggesting that—apart from the clear threat potential of this 'bundled spyware' route—Intego press releases can be seen as something of a hype by an interested party.

Note in this context that Intego retracted an initially published list of 'compromised' software after stating there were multiple instances of this issue when in fact they had found only one. This list has now been published in the recently edited MacUser article you linked to (the list did not appear in the original version of the article, only a link to the Intego press release containing it, the one that was later retracted by Intego). Moreover, if Tetraults observations are correct, the installation of spyware items 'bundled' with the listed packages can easily be avoided.

The reader report also contains posts discussing diagnosis (e.g., searching a suspected volume for 'PremierOpinion'), repair and possible prevention (Little Snitch port monitoring, taking care while installing the 'carrier' software).

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