Originally Posted By: artie505
> If that adds up to more than 138 +1803 (or 1941), then yeah... something got dropped.

Artie's-MacBook:~ artie$ find /usr -type f -size -1c -not -path '*/groff/*' |wc -l


It may be then that the "memory alloc" message is simply to alert the operator that more than one call to the -exec utility was needed. I.e., it manages to process everything... but just alerts the operator that it wasn't all done within a single call. That could be important if -exec was calling du (ironically), because then the "total" at the end would be incorrect... and the user would need to scroll back and find where any previous du totals got printed out, and then add all the totals. . . for example.

Just to clarify a bit (hopefully):

the -exec utility {} +  syntax attempts to process all results simultaneously into a single "utility" call (i.e., xargs emulation).

the -exec utility {} \; syntax simply calls a separate instance of "utility" for each and every found item, one at a time.

So while the former might produce output equivalent to:

ls -ldF@ file1 file2 file3 file4

...the latter does this:

ls -ldF@ file1
ls -ldF@ file2
ls -ldF@ file3
ls -ldF@ file4

Obviously when it come to multiple arguments, there may be a limit as to how long the arg list can be. [but it is far more efficient than making multiple calls, and thus much faster as well as producing nicer output in almost every case.]

Originally Posted By: artie505
Same file as I mentioned at the very bottom of this post; I couldn't locate it with Pacifist and have no idea what it may be. (I Googled it but didn't get a single hit that wasn't incomprehensible to me.)

Well, it's just something to do with a "man page" anyway... so, it won't affect operation in the least (unless you try to read that page someday. No biggie, fortunately).

BTW, i ran Charles' scan tool on my MPB (two OS partitions). Nary a peep here.

Last edited by Hal Itosis; 06/01/10 07:13 AM.