Last login: Fri May 21 20:12:06 on ttys000

Welcome to Virtual1's MacBook Pro!

apple:~ virtual1 $ vsdbutil -c /Volumes/OWC/
No entry found for '/Volumes/OWC/'.
apple:~ virtual1 $ cat -ntv /var/db/volinfo.database
     2	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
     3	EB0C229CE388595C: 00000001
     4	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
     5	9BA5C3AAFE8A27D6: 00000001
     6	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
     7	60047F2D189CAC43: 00000001
     8	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
     9	EB0C229CE388595C: 00000001
    10	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    11	9BA5C3AAFE8A27D6: 00000001
    12	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    13	60047F2D189CAC43: 00000001
    14	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
    15	EB0C229CE388595C: 00000001
    16	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    17	9BA5C3AAFE8A27D6: 00000001
    18	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    19	60047F2D189CAC43: 00000001
    20	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
    21	EB0C229CE388595C: 00000001
    22	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    23	9BA5C3AAFE8A27D6: 00000001
    24	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    25	60047F2D189CAC43: 00000001
    26	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
    27	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    28	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
    29	EB0C229CE388595C: 00000001
    30	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    31	9BA5C3AAFE8A27D6: 00000001
    32	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    33	60047F2D189CAC43: 00000001
    34	24791A06C63849CD: 00000001
    35	597C80F1741A8613: 00000001
    36	DBEF4E0DBFB8E421: 00000001
    37	B4581ABD5AC03CD0: 00000001
    38	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    39	7B88AAA470706D15: 00000001
    40	C9ECD09F44204862: 00000001
    41	C711D9F122E2472B: 00000001
    42	24791A06C63849CD: 00000001
    43	597C80F1741A8613: 00000001
    44	DBEF4E0DBFB8E421: 00000001
    45	B4581ABD5AC03CD0: 00000001
    46	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    47	7B88AAA470706D15: 00000001
    48	1FB158B2AC1368F9: 00000001
    49	C9ECD09F44204862: 00000001
    50	1634B3B166301447: 00000001
    51	D7365339BB07C1C3: 00000001
    52	1AACE26892A59899: 00000001
    53	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    54	B3C8E94E18C64249: 00000001
    55	24791A06C63849CD: 00000001
    56	7603641097B3F903: 00000001
    57	DBEF4E0DBFB8E421: 00000001
    58	7C666BE6D2A086EE: 00000001
    59	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    60	E0B9CCF9652E86B7: 00000001
    61	C9ECD09F44204862: 00000001
    62	9259D008E1B46D6E: 00000001
    63	54DCC8B44C0DB324: 00000001
    64	2A61EDA495371D9D: 00000001
    65	24791A06C63849CD: 00000001
    66	27EA72D16D790B90: 00000001
    67	DBEF4E0DBFB8E421: 00000001
    68	351E77CD555E6601: 00000001
    69	12DCDAF5C34A30E2: 00000001
    70	01C95760E26B249A: 00000001
apple:~ virtual1 $ type -a vsdbutil
vsdbutil is /usr/sbin/vsdbutil
apple:~ virtual1 $ md5 -q /usr/sbin/vsdbutil
apple:~ virtual1 $ ls -l /usr/sbin/vsdbutil
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  76528 Feb 10 23:41 /usr/sbin/vsdbutil
apple:~ virtual1 $ diskutil enableownership /Volumes/OWC
You must be root for this command
apple:~ virtual1 $ sudo diskutil enableownership /Volumes/OWC
Filesystem user/group ownership enabled
apple:~ virtual1 $ sudo diskutil disableownership /Volumes/OWC
Filesystem user/group ownership disabled
apple:~ virtual1 $ vsdbutil -c /Volumes/OWC/
No entry found for '/Volumes/OWC/'.
apple:~ virtual1 $ vsdbutil -a /Volumes/OWC/
### You must be root to perform this operation.
apple:~ virtual1 $ sudo vsdbutil -a /Volumes/OWC/
apple:~ virtual1 $ 

Yes I thought I had looked in diskutil for the commands but apparently overlooked them. Interesting my vsdbutil crc is different than yours. I wonder if apple bundled a bad build with server?

apple:~ virtual1 $ md5 -q /Volumes/Service\ Snow/usr/sbin/vsdbutil

or yours is different wink 10.6.3 here. Interesting, I didn't know there was an md5 tool. I use "openssl md5" usually.

I can just use diskutil I guess.

Checking another one I know works (client):

Service-Right:~ root # md5 -q /usr/sbin/vsdbutil

Since the checksums are the same in server and client, it's not the binary. It works on all the clients, and does NOT work on hard drives attached to server (so no db issue?), and this is the only server I have to test so maybe this server install is broken? Anyone else with SL server? Either that or a framework in server is broken?

I work for the Department of Redundancy Department