Posted By: kevs Do people still see you ip from yahoo mail - 10/29/10 04:02 PM
If I get an anonymous lycos or yahoo email account/ and send a complaint to a bad website, can they still trace who I am?
First thing to do is send an email from your lycos account to another account (of someone other than you) or of a reasonably anonymous nature. Read that email, "showing full headers" to see what headers they include. It may include your ip address. (I don't know offhand for them)

Also, in theory, someone with a subpoena or good social engineering skills could contact Yahoo and request records from their mailserver which could most certainly get your ip address.

Sometimes idiots at the help desk will tell you anything you want to know if you start out by claiming to be a law enforcement agent or fax/mail them a request on a similarly suggestive letterhead. Smarter people will spoof caller ID to make it look like a call coming from a police department. Social engineering basically can break any security or procedures. So from that angle, the answer to "can they get my info" is always "yes" unless they don't have your info to begin with or are 100% under your control.

Posted By: tacit Re: Do people still see you ip from yahoo mail - 10/29/10 10:42 PM
The email will likely contain your IP address, yes. It will definitely contain your IP address if you send it using a POP or IMAP program like Mail or Entourage. If oyu send it via Webmail, it may contain your IP address or the IP address of the mail server, depending on how the Web front-end is configured.

If you absolutely must anonymize it, send it through a proxy.
Posted By: kevs Re: Do people still see you ip from yahoo mail - 10/30/10 04:22 PM
thanks guys,
well I guess I would be at my computer, but in the lycos website sending the email. ok, so if I'm sending to a bad people and want to keep anonymous, just use proxy as said. There are some software that hide or fake out ips. I would go that route.
Posted By: kevs Re: Do people still see you ip from yahoo mail - 10/30/10 07:29 PM
ps tacit,
I found hidemyip.com
I thought was $30 one time fee, but actually $30 / year.
any other more economical options for using proxy?
Posted By: tacit Re: Do people still see you ip from yahoo mail - 10/30/10 09:58 PM
Google for "free anonymous proxy" and you should be able to find all kinds of options. Use one of them to send mail via Webmail.
Posted By: kevs Re: Do people still see you ip from yahoo mail - 10/30/10 11:21 PM
thanks well the one thing I like about the paid one I found is that is clearly says your on your proxy now, and you are off your proxy now. the free ones, I'm confused, how would you know your are on/off?
also, do these have to be Macintosh?
I not really sure how to even use the free ones, did the google search. any recommendations? you can pm if you want or put here. I don't care. thanks!
that said, I would like free one, the paid one wants $30 every year, and it does not seem to work with webmail
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