If you are interested in the current Mac Threat Landscape and have an hour and 15 minutes to spare this data driven presentation from MalwareBytes via OSX Daily is interesting and eye opening. No product marketing, just a report on what they have actually seen.
Very interesting. And a bit concerning on the difficulty on reporting threats that are advertised as trustworthy on the Mac App Store.
Originally Posted By: Urquhart
Very interesting. And a bit concerning on the difficulty on reporting threats that are advertised as trustworthy on the Mac App Store.

Agreed! There does need to be a clear line of communication to report App Store apps problems. I suspect Apple believes the existing Feedback system is a clear line of communication that could easily include malware reports, but Malware is not a defined category of error — perhaps it should be. I think I will use the Feedback system to make that suggestion.

On the other hand Apple has been very quick to react to threats to MacOS, sometimes having fixes before a potential exploit is publicly announced or acknowledged. But there is a clear industry level line of communications and reporting for those issues.
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