Posted By: jchuzi Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/21/10 09:31 PM
Code That Tracks Users’ Browsing Prompts Lawsuits
Posted By: dianne Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/21/10 10:04 PM
The above entry was made in reply to tacit's post #10914 in What are the ways a site know who I am?. It has been detached from that thread and given a new subject line.

I will move this topic to the Lounge in a day or two.
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/22/10 04:45 AM

The headline should have been prefixed with: NewsFlash grin

A little background, from this time last year...
  1. MacInTouch Reader Reports: Security

  2. What Adobe's Weird Omniture Acquisition Means for Advertising

  3. New Cookie Technologies: Harder to See and Remove, Widely Used to Track You

  4. How Online Tracking Companies Know Most Of What You Do Online

    ...and more recently:

  5. Omniture, Facebook Expand Social Media Marketing Partnership
Posted By: jchuzi Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/22/10 10:00 AM
I started a similar thread at TechSurvivors and it has some interesting responses.
Posted By: jchuzi Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/22/10 11:41 AM
Here's some irony: Adobe has discovered that Flash Player has some security flaws! IMHO, FP itself is a security flaw.
Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/25/10 07:34 PM
Originally Posted By: jchuzi
Here's some irony: Adobe has discovered that Flash Player has some...security flaws...

That's interesting. After dondenny's thread that discussed the school board in Pennsylvania spying on the students by using Flash, I set my Adobe Flash Privacy Settings to "Always Ask". However I found that some sites would still install stuff on my drive without permission.

I then set the amount allowable to "zero" and that seemed to fix things. I would get lists of sites who tried to install something, without asking permission, but who seemed to be blocked by the "zero" setting.

I just now followed the route mentioned at the Flush site (User Home Folder/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/FlashPlayer/#SharedObjects) and found 28 folders, most of which had names I didn't recognize. Some "names" were just a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.

I looked through all 28 folders and found two of the .sol Flash Cookies. They were:

udn.specificclick.net whose cookie was fug.sol
comedycentral.com whose cookie was comedy_central_video.sol

Curiously, when I checked at the Adobe Flash Privacy Settings panel, neither of these was shown in the list of those who tried without asking.

Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/25/10 10:13 PM
I pieced together a shell script to display (and optionally obliterate) Flash's cookie stash. Simply run with no args to view the crumbs. Any arg except -h (or anything with an H or h in it) will erase said items.

cfc (Clear Flash Cookies)

#!/bin/bash -u -
# cfc  :::  Clear Flash Cookies
#(c)EF/-HI-2010.Sep.23 [rev:2010.Sep.25]
IFS=$' \t\n'
declare -x PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
declare -i x=0 c=0 k=0
subf= args= list=
PRG=`basename "$0"`

trap tabs EXIT

Help () {
	printf '\e[4mClear Flash Cookies\e[0m\nUsage:\n'
	printf '\t\e[1m%s\e[0m [\e[1m-?\e[0m]\n\n' $PRG
	printf 'Run with no args to list the cookies.\n'
	printf 'Any arg except -h clears the cookies.\n'
	exit 1

[ $# -ne 0 ] && [[ $1 = *[Hh]* ]] && Help

Tree () { # print a tree of the cwd:
	local dir= par= ind= fix=
	dir=`pwd -P`; par=`dirname "$dir"`; tabs -5; ind=$'\t'
	[[ $par = / ]] && fix=$ind
	find -x "$dir" -print0 |xargs -0 ls -1dfF |sed 's:'"$par"':'"$fix"':;
		s:/$: \\:;s:[^/]*/:'"$ind"':g;s: \\$:/:;s:'"$ind"':'"$fix"':;
		1s:'"$fix"'::' |sed "s:[/*@=|%]$:`printf '\e[1m&\e[0m'`:"

GoToFolder () {
	2>/dev/null cd "$1" >&2 && return 0 || {
		printf 'cannot access folder: %s/\n\a' "$1"
		return 1

ScanFolder () {
	GoToFolder "$1" || return 1
	c=`ls -p1 |grep -e '/$' |wc -l |sed 's:[^0-9]::g'`
	subf=`ls -p1 |grep -e '/$' |sed 's:/$::;s: :\?:g'`

	case $c in
	0)	printf 'no subfolders exist in: %s\n' "$1"; return 1;;
	1)	args=$subf;;
	*)	args=-f\ $subf;;

	list=`find -x $args -not -type d`

	if [[ -n $list ]]
		[ $k -eq 0 ] && printf '\n\e[7mFILES FOUND:\e[0m'
		printf '\n\e[1;4m%s\e[0;1m/\e[0m\n' "$1"
		echo "$list" |tr '\n' '\000' |xargs -0 ls -legthrob
	return 0

for d in $DR1 $DR2; do ScanFolder "$d"; done

[ $k -eq 0 ] && printf 'already cleared...\n'
printf '\n\e[7mTREE LISTING:\e[0m\n'
printf '\e[1;4mPREFS\e[0m\n'
GoToFolder $DR1 && Tree
printf '\n\e[1;4mCACHE\e[0m\n'
GoToFolder $DR2 && Tree

if [ $# -ne 0 ] && [ $k -ne 0 ]
then  # remove cookie & cache items, but leave "basic" directory trees intact:
	GoToFolder $DR1 &&
	    rm -fR {macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys,#SharedObjects/*}/*
	GoToFolder $DR2 && rm -fR AssetCache/*/*
	[ $x -eq 0 ] && printf '\e[30;42m FLASH COOKIES CLEARED \e[0m\n' ||
			printf '\e[37;41m %s: an error occurred \e[0m\n' $PRG
exit $x

Before anyone points out that there are much simpler ways to "do" this, please note the (only) two comments in the code, and consider that i was bending over backwards to preserve the original (base) folder structure... though i don't remember why (perhaps just as a coding exercise).


EDIT: the -h option just brings up some help text...
$ cfc -h
Clear Flash Cookies
	cfc [-?]

Run with no args to list the cookies.
Any arg except -h clears the cookies.
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/26/10 05:24 AM

After reading up on how we can go to Adobe's site to configure our "Global Storage Settings" to disable Local Shared Objects... i also set the allowed disk space to zero. After all that, i noted the appearance of two files in those (two) Flash Player folders in my home/library:

~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/settings.sol


~/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash\ Player/AssetCache/*/cacheSize.txt

...so perhaps it would be prudent if my script above were to leave those two files intact as well.

The latter is a mere 2 bytes, and seems to hold the "allowable space" pref:

$ od -cb ~/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash\ Player/AssetCache/*/cacheSize.txt

0000000    0  \0
          060 000

^ i.e., only the char for the number zero plus a terminating null char.

The former file (343 bytes) holds all sorts of "hexy" data, which currently looks sorta like this (as seen through the limited eyes of the strings command):

$ strings ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/settings.sol



Anyway, i should probably DEFINITELY tweak my script to ignore those two files... but locking them (in Finder) also does the trick for now (though, who knows how Flash will react when it notices they are locked?).


EDIT: started over with a clean slate... so some changes to the above info were needed. I also confirmed (via fseventer) that using Adobe's Global Storage Settings page does indeed tweak those two particular files.
Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/26/10 04:48 PM
Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis
[After all that, i noted the appearance of two files in those (two) Flash Player folders in my home/library:

~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/settings.sol

I deleted that .sol from the folder yesterday and today it re-appeared so I guess it just wants to be there. However, the same folder (sys) has 274 folders within it, all prefixed with #. I looked through them and one had a .sol document. It was:


That .sol is now deleted by moving to trash and emptying.

Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis


~/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash\ Player/AssetCache/*/cacheSize.txt

I followed that route but, at Asset Cache, mine changed to a folder named NWBY27P9 which contains 19 documents. One is the cachesize.txt and the other 18 end with suffixes either .heu or .swz. Also they are in pairs. That is they are numbered and each title number has each suffix. i.e.


Posted By: joemikeb Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/26/10 06:35 PM
I am beginning to think the real solution is the one implemented by Steve Jobs on the iPhone and iPad - eliminate Flash altogether. mad
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/26/10 08:10 PM
Originally Posted By: ryck
Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis
[After all that, i noted the appearance of two files in those (two) Flash Player folders in my home/library:

~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/settings.sol

I deleted that .sol from the folder yesterday and today it re-appeared so I guess it just wants to be there.

Yep... that appears to be Adobe's own pref, for storing our Flash config settings.

Originally Posted By: ryck
Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis

~/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash\ Player/AssetCache/*/cacheSize.txt

I followed that route but, at Asset Cache, mine changed to a folder named NWBY27P9

Yep... everyone will have some randomly named folder there. That's what the /*/ wildcard does... thus allowing my script to work on any Mac (not just mine).


Here's the latest rev:
#!/bin/bash -
# cfc  :::  Clear Flash Cookies
#(c)EF/-HI-2010.Sep.23 [rev:2010.Sep.27]
IFS=$' \t\n'
declare -x PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
declare -i x=0 c=0 k=0
subf= args= list=  s=s
PRG=`basename "$0"`

trap tabs EXIT

Help () {
	printf '\e[4mClear Flash Cookies\e[0m\nUsage:\n'
	printf '\t\e[1m%s\e[0m [\e[1m-?\e[0m]\n\n' $PRG
	printf 'Run with no args to list the cookies.\n'
	printf 'Any arg except -h clears the cookies.\n'
	exit 1

[ $# -ne 0 ] && [[ $1 = *[Hh]* ]] && Help >&2

Tree () { # print a tree of the cwd:
	local dir= par= ind= fix=
	dir=`pwd -P`; par=`dirname "$dir"`; tabs -5; ind=$'\t'
	[[ $par = / ]] && fix=$ind
	find -x "$dir" -print0 |xargs -0 ls -1dfF |sed 's:'"$par"':'"$fix"':;
		s:/$: \\:;s:[^/]*/:'"$ind"':g;s: \\$:/:;s:'"$ind"':'"$fix"':;
		1s:'"$fix"'::' |sed "s:[/*@=|%]$:`printf '\e[1m&\e[0m'`:"

GoToFolder () {
	2>/dev/null cd "$1" >&2 && return 0 ||
		printf '\ncannot access folder: %s/\n' "$1" >&2; return 1

ScanFolder () {
	GoToFolder "$1" || return 1
	c=`ls -p1 |grep -e '/$' |wc -l |sed 's:[^0-9]::g'`
	subf=`ls -p1 |grep -e '/$' |sed 's:/$::;s: :\?:g'`

	case $c in
	0)	printf '\nno subfolders exist in: %s\n' "$1" >&2; return 1;;
	1)	args=$subf;;
	*)	args=-f\ $subf;;

	list=`find -x $args -not -type d`

	if [[ -n $list ]]
		[ $k -eq 0 ] && printf '\n\e[7mFILES FOUND:\e[0m'
		printf '\n\e[1;4m%s\e[0;1m/\e[0m\n' "$1"
		echo "$list" |tr '\n' '\000' |xargs -0 ls -legthrob
	return 0

for d in $DR1 $DR2; do ScanFolder "$d"; ((x+=$?)); done

printf '\n\n\e[7mTREE LISTING:\e[0m\n'
printf '\e[1;4mPREFS\e[0m\n'
GoToFolder $DR1 && Tree || ((x+=1))
printf '\n\e[1;4mCACHE\e[0m\n'
GoToFolder $DR2 && Tree || ((x+=1))

if [ $# -ne 0 ] && [ $k -ne 0 ]
then  # clear cookies & caches but preserve useful files and directory trees:

	GoToFolder $DR1 &&
	ls -d1 {macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys,#SharedObjects/*}/* \
		2>/dev/null |grep -v $PREF |tr '\n' '\000' |xargs -0 rm -fR

	GoToFolder $DR2 && ls -d1 AssetCache/*/* 2>/dev/null |grep -v $CASH |
		tr '\n' '\000' |xargs -0 rm -fR

	[ $x -eq 0 ] && printf '\e[30;42m FLASH COOKIES CLEARED \e[0m\n' >&2

[ $x -eq 1 ] && s=
[ $x -eq 0 ] || printf '\e[37;41m %d error%s occurred \e[0m\n\a' $x "$s" >&2
exit $x

It now preserves those two key files (when we optionally clear the cookies). As always, running with no options will simply list everything, saving us the trouble of rummaging around in Finder (which has the side effect of populating the hierarchy with .DS_Store files).


OBS: script was edited again on Monday. As far as finding and/or deleting cookies, nothing was changed. All modifications relate to error detection and reporting, plus minor cosmetic tweaks.


For assistance on using shell scripts, see the "Unix FAQ" at hayne.net
Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/26/10 09:38 PM
Originally Posted By: joemikeb
I am beginning to think the real solution is the one implemented by Steve Jobs on the iPhone and iPad - eliminate Flash altogether. mad

I think you're right about that. I thought this whole "Flash thing" was bad enough on learning that it could be configured to spy on kids, but Adobe's Omniture acquisition is equally disconcerting.

Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/27/10 01:37 PM
Yesterday I trashed the 18 .heu and .swz documents that were in the "NWBY27P9 Folder", leaving only the cacheSize.txt I continued without any apparent differences in the way things work. This morning (none of the .heu or .swz documents has returned) I had just arrived at the WikiAnswers site when this dialogue box came up:

Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network:


is trying to communicate with this internet-enabled location:


To let this application communicate with the internet, click Settings. You must restart this application after changing your settings.

There were two buttons "Okay" and "Settings...". I clicked on "Okay". To see if the dialogue box was related to the WikiAnswers site, I then I left the site and returned to it. The dialogue box did not appear again.

Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/27/10 04:00 PM
Originally Posted By: ryck
Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation. The following local application on your computer or network:


is trying to communicate with this internet-enabled location:


To let this application communicate with the internet, click Settings. You must restart this application after changing your settings.



idunno... i tired googling on "vitamine.networldmedia.net" as well as visiting those sites (including WikiAnswers). Sounds like some adware/tracking garbage [possibly infected?]... and it would appear as if Flash did the right thing by blocking it. FWIW, i'm running ClickToFlash as well as browsing with a modified /etc/hosts file (as per the sticky here in the Lounge), so i probably can't replicate your experience.

Actually, my hosts file has a few extra entries (related to Omniture):

$ cat /etc/hosts
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##	localhost	broadcasthost	doubleclick.net	ad.doubleclick.net	mediaplex.com	img.mediaplex.com	view.atdmt.com	mads.com.com	madstage.com.com	omnituretrack.local.com	analytic.spamfighter.com # [Omniture]	cdn11.sphere.com # [Omniture]	www.sphere.com # [Omniture]	omniture.secure.miisolutions.net	html.knbc.com # [Omniture]	html.nbc10.com # [Omniture]	html.wnbc.com # [Omniture]	omniture.112.2o7.net	omniturecom.112.2o7.net	omniturebanners.112.2o7.net	stats.esomniture.com	www.omniture.com	media.fastclick.net	cdn.fastclick.net
::1		localhost
fe80::1%lo0	localhost


PS... note to all: my script above was edited today.
Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 05:24 AM
Flush site (User Home Folder/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/FlashPlayer/#SharedObjects)

I was just reading about Flash cookies. When I follow the directory above to look in the flash folder, I get as far as clicking on the Macromedia folder or, if I go slowly, for some reason, the FlashPlayer folder, then the finder quits and restarts. Any idea what is going on? Also, can you recommend a program to safely remove Flash cookies.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 05:59 AM
> Also, can you recommend a program to safely remove Flash cookies.

I'm using Safari Cookies.

(I'm not yet certain whether it's intentional or not, but at the moment SC is not removing Flash cookies when Safari is quit.) Edit: Non-issue! Flash cookies are removed.
Posted By: jchuzi Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 10:28 AM
Flush (freeware) does a fine job for me but if want other features and don't mind spending some money, Cocktail can do it as well.
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 01:10 PM
Originally Posted By: jchuzi
Flush (freeware) does a fine job for me but if want other features and don't mind spending some money, Cocktail can do it as well.

Looking at Flush i was (pleasantly) surprised to see that the script was not saved as unreadable. (most coders who use AppleScript usually hide what they're doing by saving it as a "run-only" applet, so their peers can't review their code).

Anyway, here's Flush (an AppleScript calling Terminal which then tells Finder. smile ):
tell application "Terminal"
	do script "ls -R ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash*Player | grep -v settings | grep -v preferences | grep .sol | cat -n"
	display dialog "Welcome to Flush 3.1. Do you want to flush these flash cookies into your Trash now?" buttons {"Not Now", "Flush Away!"} default button 2
	if button returned of result = "Flush Away!" then
		set fileToDelete to (((path to preferences folder) as text) & "Macromedia:Flash Player") as alias
		tell application "Finder"
			delete fileToDelete
		end tell
	end if
end tell

I'm wondering if that grep -v settings wouldn't exclude too many items.

<SNIP> list removed </SNIP>

Have you run cfc yet, to see what's there?


EDIT: oh i see... the filtering is just for display purposes. Then he blows away the entire "Flash Player" folder. But apparently only the prefs, and not the cache items as well (which —AFAIK — can be used to easily rebuild the prefs).

Not thorough (or elegant), IMO.

Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 01:23 PM
Originally Posted By: slolerner
I was just reading about Flash cookies. When I follow the directory above to look in the flash folder, I get as far as clicking on the Macromedia folder or, if I go slowly, for some reason, the FlashPlayer folder, then the finder quits and restarts. Any idea what is going on?

Finder isn't happy about something... perhaps a corrupt .DS_Store file (or directory damage?). Were something of that nature to happen to me, i would —since i'd gotten that far already —simply delete the entire Macromedia folder. Did you try that? (or run Disk Utility -> verify disk?)

Originally Posted By: slolerner
Also, can you recommend a program to safely remove Flash cookies.

Guess it would be slightly strange if i didn't recommend my own script above. (in fact, i thought i pretty much already did that. tongue )

At the very least, it's PERFECT for viewing the cookies... so a crashy Finder need not be bothered with.
Posted By: Virtual1 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 03:12 PM
Originally Posted By: ryck
[quote=jchuzi]I just now followed the route mentioned at the Flush site (User Home Folder/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/FlashPlayer/#SharedObjects) and found 28 folders

only 28? you poor lonely soul! 294 here.

about 1/2 of them are empty. Doing select-all and then right arrow the number of folders + first level sub folders / items is 690. Many of the ones that aren't empty contain a single .SOL data file. But most of the rest I think are flash games. Take for example the folder

farm.stickpage.com, contains:
- rocknriskblitzgame.swf
- tetrisdgame.swf

Flash games that you play are downloaded before you play them, and then they stay on your computer so you don't have to download them again. I don't think I'd consider a browser-sandboxed swf file to be an application since it doesn't affect my computer or even any data from another site outside its site-specific sandbox.

quite a few contain "analytics.sol", I assume that's a database of my cumulative browsing stats on their web page. Many others contain a Flash or Player folder with several subfolders.

Owell I don't get too wound up over that. That's just data, to say they're "installing" something on my machine is quite a stretch. Now if they want to actually install something, it's usually a java applet, and if its signature isn't trusted I always get a popup to confirm. But those are actual applications, not just data. Stopping your browser from "installing" data is probably being overly paranoid. I'm not sure where the applets go, probably somewhere in the Safari folder? One I see a lot is to open an in-page irc chat.

Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/28/10 10:59 PM
I used Flush, thanks, and when I emptied the trash there were a few hundred things, I think. But the finder still crashes if I click on the Macromedia Folder. More info:

I started having problems about 2 weeks ago. I ran Disk Utility before backing up and it found a file count error under Verify Disk in addition to the usual 6 Java errors I consistently get along with 2 SUID will not be repaired errors under Repair Permissions which never get fixed and I don't concern myself with. The file count error took a few runs to get fixed. I had to start off another disk. Finally, it got fixed but now I have a visible folder on the top level of my hard drive called 'lost + found' with what appears to be an empty folder inside it. I am afraid to trash that, so I just leave it there.

Things started feeling weird a few days ago when my magic mouse got 'jumpy.' I was about to bring the mouse back, but when I put wired mouse back it didn't help. So I ran Clamx. Before I ran it, I had it 'show invisible files.' There was a folder I thought was Flash Cookies but I looked it up and it was something else but made me think maybe the mouse problems, along with a weird kind of finder quit I've been having where finder windows kind of cycle open and closed, hard to describe, were Flash Cookies because I had read about them and thought they could cause weird behavior since I had ruled out a virus and ran a dns change checker and a bunch of other paranoid paraphernalia. That's my story (and I'm sticking to it.)

I'm not a 'codie' so I'll take the 'dumbed down' version, please tongue .

Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 12:02 AM
Originally Posted By: slolerner
But the finder still crashes if I click on the Macromedia Folder.
I'm not a 'codie' so I'll take the 'dumbed down' version, please tongue

This terminal command will wipe all out the .DS_Store files from your prefs folder on down:

find -x ~/Library/Preferences -name .DS_Store -delete

Probably should log out after that (or relaunch Finder).

--{ posted from my iPad }--
Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 12:16 AM
So I launch Terminal and copy and paste that line of code? Is there any downside to doing this? I never used the terminal to do anything. I'm a gui.
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 03:10 AM
Originally Posted By: slolerner
So I launch Terminal and copy and paste that line of code?


Originally Posted By: slolerner
Is there any downside to doing this?

not sure what "this" means

deleting ds-stores makes finder forget window views in the affected folders... but that's not an issue specific to using terminal. [the same end result would occur with a gui app... like blue harvest for example.]
Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 07:21 PM
deleting ds-stores makes finder forget window views in the affected folders


Not sure I understand what is accomplished by this line of code. That's what I mean by 'this.' I guess what I'm getting at here is that I have a few issues and I think the disk has caches and things like the 'lost+found' that I'd rather get rid of and run 'leaner.' I suspect these extra files are causing weird behaviors like the cursor shake (which has gone away after Flush, btw, thanks.) For example, I use Camino, a flavor of Firefox, as a browser. I like it because it's small and fast. But I found a folder called metadata and it had hundreds of folders with caches in them of every website I'd been to. I HATE that. I don't go anywhere that's problematic, I just don't like that sort of thing. I've used Cocktail on my Titanium and I sometimes went too far and cleared too much stuff and it ran really funky and the easiest way to get going again was to reformat and start over because nothing ran right. It wasn't a big deal. But this is my new computer and I have much more 'stuff' now.

I don't really know if I'm expressing myself well here. I was running Panther because the Ti had a lot of problems with higher systems for some reasons, especially in Mail for some reason, and I became very familiar with keeping it clean and fast and caches empty. I empty the caches in Camino through the program, that's why I was shocked to find this metadata folder with all those caches in it. I don't know what in the world this 'lost + found' folder is and why it 'fixes' the file count problem Disk Utility found. I have some very important Photoshop files and if they get corrupted by something in the directory and can't be read or copied, I'm going to have really big problems. Do I need Cocktail, or a stronger Disk Utility program? Does this make any sense to you? I want to feel more confident about the structure and directory of the HD than I do right now and I want to get rid of things that don't need to be there. I don't know enough to fix a lot of this stuff 'by hand.' (I was a Sys 9 guru.) The finder shouldn't quit or 'freak out' when I click or view certain things, right?

I appreciate your help.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 07:40 PM
> I have some very important Photoshop files and if they get corrupted by something in the directory and can't be read or copied, I'm going to have really big problems.

That sounds like you haven't got those files backed up.

I suggest that you do so immediately!!!
Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 07:59 PM
Oh, they're backed up. But they get changed and re-saved and backed up regularly to another HD while I'm working but if at some point they can't be written because the directory corrupts, I've lost a lot of time and effort. There are a lot of them and they are very big and can't be backed up to DL-DVD as often as I'd like. (I got the faster computer partially to be able to work with these files.) As I understand it, if the original HD has directory corruption, even if the file is written to a back-up HD, they may be un-openable from there also. True?
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/29/10 10:34 PM
Originally Posted By: slolerner
The finder shouldn't quit or 'freak out' when I click or view certain things, right?

Are there other folders which cause Finder to quit when viewed...
or just ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia


[ps: That command i posted to delete a few obscure .DS_Store files is quite harmless... and to delay running it feels like a waste of time. If it fixes the problem, then mystery solved. If not, there's more work to do.]
Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 12:08 AM
Thanks! Did the terminal code and got into the Macromedia Folder now. Yay! In the Flash Player Folder there is a #SharedObjects/NB3HYZ9M/ directory that contains folders with .sol files and also inside the Macromedia/Flash Player Folder is a macromedia.com/support Folder which sometimes I can open and sometimes it quits the finder, but when I can open it, it has duplicates of the other folders with the .sol folders. There's the probable issue. And now, that I've been 'picking' at it, going near it is making the finder quit again. So, I will repeat the Terminal code and at which folder level can I delete this whole little mess?

I haven't noticed any others that make the finder quit but there must be at least one thing that makes it quit because I had that weird rolling window closing finder quit a few times but can't remember the circumstances. Chances are it was when the browser was open.

When I go down the preference folder file by file it doesn't seem to quit until the Macromedia Folder.
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 04:27 AM
Originally Posted By: slolerner
In the Flash Player folder there is a #SharedObjects/NB3HYZ9M/ directory that contains folders with .sol files and also inside the Macromedia/Flash Player Folder is a macromedia.com/support Folder which sometimes I can open and sometimes it quits the finder, but when I can open it, it has duplicates of the other folders with the .sol folders. There's the probable issue.

It's somewhat surprising to hear that you're now/still encountering lots of "sol" items down there, because earlier you said this...
Originally Posted By: slolerner
I used Flush, thanks, and when I emptied the trash there were a few hundred things, I think. But the finder still crashes if I click on the Macromedia Folder.

...so those cookies must have replenished themselves quite rapidly.
[edit: i might prescribe ClickToFlash at this juncture.]

Originally Posted By: slolerner

And now, that I've been 'picking' at it, going near it is making the finder quit again. So, I will repeat the Terminal code and at which folder level can I delete this whole little mess?


When I go down the preference folder file by file it doesn't seem to quit until the Macromedia Folder.

Well, if it's a .DS_Store issue (and there's ample reason to believe it is), then the thing to do with Terminal is to go up one directory level (to your ~/Library folder), like so:

find -x ~/Library -name .DS_Store -delete

That will remove even more .DS_Stores (which as i said only affects Finder's memory of how their view options were set... so, you might need to reset the prefs folder to be viewed as a list sorted by date... for example).


Ironically enough, my script on page 1 might be of some use troubleshooting this issue... but explaining *how* to actually run it goes far afield of this thread. (the link to hayne's Unix FAQ has all that info, fwiw).

Alternatively, just go with Finder and delete these two folders:
/Users/*you*/Library/Caches/Adobe/Flash Player

[just realize that doing so also removes Adobe's own settings.sol pref and their cacheSize.txt files mentioned on page 1... which you may (or may not) have manually configured by visiting that config page at Adobe's website.]


Edit: btw, are you running Flash 10,1,85,3 or some other <version>?
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 08:51 AM
Although it is related, I'm not certain that this belongs here...Mods?

Adobe gives us the option, here, to "Reset License Files."

I'd appreciate somebody explaining precisely what that means, since I have no idea whether I want to reset or not.

Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 03:52 PM
Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis
FWIW, i'm running ClickToFlash as well as browsing with a modified /etc/hosts file...

One of the things I've done in the last couple of days is to install ClickToFlash but it doesn't appear anywhere - in my menu bar or elsewhere. I believe it is properly installed as the plugin can be found in User/Library/Internet PlugIns.

Does ClickToFlash only appear if it actually has something to do? It has not appeared even once although I have been to various locations, although I do admit that they are bookmarked locations I normally visit.

For a long time I have had Safari set to "Block Pop-up Windows". Could it be that Safari is already doing a good enough job of blocking Flash items that, for me, ClickToFlash is redundant?

Safari is the browser I use almost always, only periodically using FireFox if I'm at a site that doesn't care to work with Safari.

Posted By: dkmarsh Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 04:45 PM

If you go to The New York Times home page you should see several Flash "placeholders"—grayish rectangles with a Flash button in the middle and a gear icon in the upper left corner. Click the Flash button (or anywhere else in the rectangle) to load that particular Flash content.

Click the gear icon for a contextual menu which includes a ClickToFlash Settings... command. (You can also access the settings dialog via the ClickToFlash submenu under the Safari menu.)
Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 05:40 PM
Originally Posted By: dkmarsh
If you go to The New York Times home page you should see several Flash "placeholders"—grayish rectangles with a Flash button in the middle and a gear icon in the upper left corner. Click the Flash button (or anywhere else in the rectangle) to load that particular Flash content.

That worked as advertised except that the loading required a double-click.

Originally Posted By: dkmarsh
Click the gear icon for a contextual menu which includes a ClickToFlash Settings... command.

That also worked. There were three other commands before the ClickToFlash Settings but they were greyed out. It's probably not an issue for me as they didn't look like something I'd goof with anyway.

Originally Posted By: dkmarsh
(You can also access the settings dialog via the ClickToFlash submenu under the Safari menu.)

This one was curious. The ClickToFlash Settings were only in the Safari sub-menu if I first visited a site and opened them through the grey gear. They were also temporary. If I closed Safari and re-opened it, the ClickToFlash Settings were no longer in the sub-menu.

For me, this is not a show stopper. I am quite happy to be able to make Flash content decisions as I go. It just seemed peculiar.

Posted By: roger Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 06:24 PM
ClicktoFlash's settings aren't in Safari's Preferences, they are under the Safari Menu, two lines below Preferences

(does that make sense? dang language...)
Posted By: alternaut Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 06:54 PM
Originally Posted By: ryck
This one was curious. The ClickToFlash Settings were only in the Safari sub-menu if I first visited a site and opened them through the grey gear. They were also temporary. If I closed Safari and re-opened it, the ClickToFlash Settings were no longer in the sub-menu.

The apparent temporariness of Safari's ClickToFlash Settings menu item is because it's 'contextual': it only appears on pages with Flash [placeholders], at least initially in a Safari session.
Posted By: ryck Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 07:55 PM
Originally Posted By: roger
ClicktoFlash's settings aren't in Safari's Preferences, they are under the Safari Menu...

Actually, that's what I meant by Safari sub-menu but, as Alternaut has since explained, it's nothing for me to worry about as there's a reason for the temporariness.

However, your post did prompt me to look into Safari Preferences. If you go there, then click on Extensions, you'll find a ClickToFlash Settings panel. Great.

I don't know if the same Extensions Button is in earlier versions of the OS.

Posted By: jchuzi Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 08:12 PM
I don't know if the same Extensions Button is in earlier versions of the OS.
The OS is not involved; it's the version of Safari. Extensions are available starting with Safari 5, not in previous incarnations.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 09/30/10 09:33 PM
One of the unsung functionalities of AdBlock for Safari is that it can be used to make recurring, unwanted Flash "placeholders" go away.
Posted By: slolerner Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/02/10 01:16 AM
Edit: btw, are you running Flash 10,1,85,3 or some other <version>?

Version of Flash Player is

I also have the Program Flash CS4. I think the first time I ran Flush it didn't get rid of everything because this time it looked a little different when I ran it, more action in the Terminal window, if that makes sense. Now the folders are very clean. I am using Camino so I can't use ClickToFlash. Now I have 2 questions:

1) Can I do a setting so my computer will not store Flash Cookies?

2) Can I get rid of the 'lost+found' folder that Disk Utility put on the top level of my HD to solve a file count discrepancy a while back? I mentioned this in my posting on the first page.

Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/02/10 02:00 AM
Originally Posted By: slolerner
Version of Flash Player is

Perhaps you should consider getting version or at least be aware of the possible ramifications of not doing so. [see post #5 for security info].

Also, there are claims of improved performance in the 10.1 versions (as one would expect).

Originally Posted By: slolerner
1) Can I do a setting so my computer will not store Flash Cookies?

I think the "global storage settings" (link on page 1) does that. [set the slider to zero, and uncheck the boxes below.]

Originally Posted By: slolerner
2) Can I get rid of the 'lost+found' folder that Disk Utility put on the top level of my HD to solve a file count discrepancy a while back?

Probably should start a new thread for that, but my guess would be yes. [also —since Disk Utility had such an ordeal fixing your HD —maybe let DiskWarrior have a look at it now.]


EDIT: So, i guess the Finder crashing at the Macromedia any folder has been fixed then?
Posted By: Virtual1 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/03/10 02:44 AM
every macintosh folder that Finder opens up will have a ".DS_Store" file placed inside it. the file is invisible normally, and tracks your viewing preferences for the folder. Things like did you have it in list or icon view, what size are the icons set to show at, what background color or picture is set for the folder, the position and size of the window the folder displays in, etc.

It's basically a preferences file, for the folder. And if it gets screwed up, finder or other things that try to read it may behave badly or crash when you try to access, open, or view the folder. Finder is well known for crashing when a specific folder is opened when the store file inside it has certain problems.

The line of code hal posted will make the terminal go hunt down and remove all the store files in all your folders. If that was causing your problem, it will fix it.

The only side-effect to doing this is that all the folders will obtain their default view settings and so you may recognize some folders don't open and look quite how you're used to seeing them. Just put them back the way you like them as you encounter them, and they will be fine.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/03/10 09:50 AM
As a result of this thread, and because I've been working with the developer of Safari Cookies, I've gotten a bit into this issue, but there's one aspect that's completely beyond me, and I wonder whether you or somebody else can put it to rest...


Edit: Sorry, but everything following [code} doesn't display; I guessed that it might not, but I couldn't be certain without trying.

The missing text asked whether you could translate my assorted settings.sol files into English.

[aside] [Question moved to FineTunedMac Feedback by cyn: Code tag issues] [/aside]

Edited by artie505 (10/03/10 08:47 AM EDT)
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/03/10 06:02 PM
[Response to aside moved to FineTunedMac Feedback by cyn: Code tag issues]

edit#2: btw, i hope safari cookies will be remade into a "safari extension"... so we can skip simbl.

Edited by Hal Itosis (10/03/10 07:09 PM EDT)
Posted By: Virtual1 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/03/10 11:05 PM
[Response moved to FineTunedMac Feedback by cyn: Code tag issues]
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/04/10 07:19 AM
[Response moved to FineTunedMac Feedback by cyn: Code tag issues]


Oh look... i got a cookie finally:
0000000: 00bf 0000 0051 5443 534f 0004 0000 0000  .....QTCSO......
0000010: 001a 7777 772e 6d70 3372 6f63 6b65 742e  ..www.mp3rocket.
0000020: 636f 6d2f 7365 7474 696e 6773 0000 0000  com/settings....
0000030: 0005 616c 6c6f 7701 0000 0006 616c 7761  ..allow.....alwa
0000040: 7973 0100 0000 066b 6c69 6d69 7400 4059  ys.....klimit.@Y
0000050: 0000 0000 0000 00

No idea what all that means... but when i went there earlier, it wouldn't play the file i was trying to hear. (though, perhaps that's because i set such harsh limits on the flash config page).
Posted By: cyn Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/04/10 09:07 AM
Thread closed while I figure out how to get the "aside" stuff over to FineTunedMac Feedback where it belongs.

Edit: I removed the code tag and display questions/answers from the last 4 replies and copied them into a post in Feedback: Code tag issues

Thread's reopened. Let's try to stay at least somewhat on topic, 'k?
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/05/10 06:04 AM
Damn...lost my post for a change!!! mad (But it's not like it wasn't my own (Edit: stupid) fault. frown )

Here's my response to your suggestions that were moved by cyn; I believe it's appropriate to this thread.

Artie-s-Computer-4:~ artie$ xxd ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/settings.sol
0000000: 00bf 0000 01ca 5443 534f 0004 0000 0000 ......TCSO......
0000010: 0008 7365 7474 696e 6773 0000 0000 0004 ..settings......
0000020: 6761 696e 0040 4900 0000 0000 0000 000f gain.@I.........
0000030: 6563 686f 7375 7070 7265 7373 696f 6e01 echosuppression.
0000040: 0000 0011 6465 6661 756c 746d 6963 726f ....defaultmicro
0000050: 7068 6f6e 6502 0000 0000 0d64 6566 6175 phone......defau
0000060: 6c74 6361 6d65 7261 0200 0000 000d 6465 ltcamera......de
0000070: 6661 756c 746b 6c69 6d69 7400 bff0 0000 faultklimit.....
0000080: 0000 0000 0000 0d64 6566 6175 6c74 616c .......defaultal
0000090: 7761 7973 0100 0000 1177 696e 646f 776c ways.....windowl
00000a0: 6573 7344 6973 6162 6c65 0100 0000 1063 essDisable.....c
00000b0: 726f 7373 646f 6d61 696e 416c 6c6f 7701 rossdomainAllow.
00000c0: 0000 0011 6372 6f73 7364 6f6d 6169 6e41 ....crossdomainA
00000d0: 6c77 6179 7301 0000 001a 7365 6375 7265 lways.....secure
00000e0: 4372 6f73 7344 6f6d 6169 6e43 6163 6865 CrossDomainCache
00000f0: 5369 7a65 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0018 Size............
0000100: 616c 6c6f 7754 6869 7264 5061 7274 794c allowThirdPartyL
0000110: 534f 4163 6365 7373 0100 0000 0c74 7275 SOAccess.....tru
0000120: 7374 6564 5061 7468 7303 0000 0900 000e stedPaths.......
0000130: 7361 6665 6675 6c6c 7363 7265 656e 0100 safefullscreen..
0000140: 0000 1164 6973 616c 6c6f 7750 3250 5570 ...disallowP2PUp
0000150: 6c69 6e6b 0101 0000 0764 6f6d 6169 6e73 link.....domains
0000160: 0300 0963 6861 7365 2e63 6f6d 0101 0015 ...chase.com....
0000170: 7777 772e 7061 7970 616c 6f62 6a65 6374 www.paypalobject
0000180: 732e 636f 6d01 0100 0c76 616e 6775 6172 s.com....vanguar
0000190: 642e 636f 6d01 0100 0009 0000 1261 7574 d.com........aut
00001a0: 6f55 7064 6174 6549 6e74 6572 7661 6c00 oUpdateInterval.
00001b0: 402c 0000 0000 0000 0000 1261 7574 6f55 @,.........autoU
00001c0: 7064 6174 6544 6973 6162 6c65 6401 0100 pdateDisabled...
Artie-s-Computer-4:~ artie$


Artie-s-Computer-4:~ artie$ strings ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash\ Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys/settings.sol


Artie-s-Computer-4:~ artie$

What I'm looking for is a way to look at settings.sol and visually determine that my settings have stuck, because they seem to not do so.

(I believe that a leading 0 with a / through it has something to do with camera and mike settings, and I'm certain that defaultklimit

Edit: Sorry...same issue; I'll repost.

Second edit: I misunderstood that leading "null" character; I now see [code]I

THIRD EDIT:Now that's weird; I thought "I echo suppression default microphone default camera" (Remove all spaces) would come through.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/05/10 06:10 AM
Repost of truncated portion of original post...

What I'm looking for is a way to look at settings.sol and visually determine that my settings have stuck, because they seem to not do so.

(I believe that a leading 0 with a / through it has something to do with camera and mike settings, and I'm certain that defaultklimit[] [that's defaultklimit0with/apple]means -0- storage.)

Some issues I've run into:
  1. "Global Privacy Settings" gives no visual indication of which pref I've set.
  2. When I change my pref for a website I've already visited in "Website Privacy Settings" the change does not stick, rather it reverts to my global default.
  3. "Website Storage Settings" loses its check in the "Never Ask Again" box, and the pref must be reset by hand for each new website I visit.
I believe there are others, and I'll post them as I run into (and remember to make note of) them.
Posted By: Hal Itosis Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/05/10 09:14 AM
>> "Global Privacy Settings" gives no visual indication of which pref I've set.<<
Yeah, i think that's by "design"... i.e., Adobe wants it that way (or don't want to put any effort into improving the display/behavior?).

>>When I change my pref for a website I've already visited in "Website Privacy Settings" the change does not stick, rather it reverts to my global default.<<
Again, my suspicions are that they're not truly seeking to make all that stuff work properly. (not as users would desire/expect). Or maybe web designers have found ways around Adobe's intended Flash behavior?

>>Website Storage Settings" loses its check in the "Never Ask Again" box, and the pref must be reset by hand for each new website I visit.<<
Ditto. There's just no telling where the "problem" really originates.

Then again, i'm no Flash expert... and i'd like to know the right answers myself.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/05/10 09:36 AM
First, I just edited my truncated post, and now I'm not the least bit certain about my edit. frown

Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis
>> "Global Privacy Settings" gives no visual indication of which pref I've set.<<
Yeah, i think that's by "design"... i.e., Adobe wants it that way (or don't want to put any effort into improving the display/behavior?).

You can visually check by looking at "Website Privacy Settings," but I still can't figure out how to read it in "settings.sol."

>>When I change my pref for a website I've already visited in "Website Privacy Settings" the change does not stick, rather it reverts to my global default.<<
Again, my suspicions are that they're not truly seeking to make all that stuff work properly. (not as users would desire/expect). Or maybe web designers have found ways around Adobe's intended Flash behavior?

Precisely why I'd like to be able to read "settins.sol..." so I don't have to visit Macromedia time after time.

>>Website Storage Settings" loses its check in the "Never Ask Again" box, and the pref must be reset by hand for each new website I visit.<<
Ditto. There's just no telling where the "problem" really originates.

The odd thing, though, is even though that setting looks like it's changed in the Macromedia pref pane it still looks right in "settings.sol."

Then again, i'm no Flash expert... and i'd like to know the right answers myself.

Posted By: dkmarsh Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 10/05/10 10:56 AM

Now that's weird; I thought "I echo suppression default microphone default camera" (Remove all spaces) would come through.

Anyone would. tongue

Given that the experience of visiting any part of Adobe's site is inherently confusing, and that the configuring of Flash settings via the Settings Manager page is even more so, and that non-printable and/or control characters florf the content of posts, and that even if successfully transcribed, the meaning of the text contained in settings.sol files is obscure if not opaque...

Could you please refrain from editing a post to introduce new content pertinent to the ongoing discussion several hours after making the original post? It makes following the topic go from difficult to downright impossible.

(Please don't reply here! I'll be starting a more generalized thread on the topic of editing posts in the Feedback forum when I get a chance.)
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 03/18/11 10:13 AM
I just discovered that Flash now installs a pref pane that allows us to set privacy prefs without visiting the Macromedia website... Apps/Sys Prefs > Flash Player. (I'm running version, but I have no idea if it's the first version to include the feature.)
Posted By: jchuzi Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 03/18/11 11:39 AM
Are you running a beta? According to Adobe, the latest version is, the one I'm running. That Flash Player preference pane is absent from my system.
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 03/18/11 11:50 AM
Originally Posted By: jchuzi
Are you running a beta? According to Adobe, the latest version is, the one I'm running. That Flash Player preference pane is absent from my system.

Well, how about that? I am running the beta (which I've been avoiding studiously); I spaced, thought 10.4 was the beta, and d/l'ed 10.3 without reading.

The discovery makes me happy to have erred.

Edit: I'm embarrassed not to have realized instantly that a major change such as a pref pane would not have appeared in a regular update. blush
Posted By: artie505 Re: Flash Cookies Raise Privacy Concerns - 03/24/11 10:24 PM
> The discovery makes me happy to have erred.

I take that back!!!

I just took a look at my Flash pref pane (as I do periodically, because I don't trust them guys), and found that my "Don'ts" had reverted to "Asks" and that something or other that had not asked was using "LocalStorage" in spite of the "Ask" setting. mad
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