6 useful chars:


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Please delete if inappropriate.
welcome back, Hal!!
Good to see you, Hal! I was hoping that you would find us. cool
And all is again, right with the world.

Happy to see you Hal!
Aw, shucks y'all. blush
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Testing for max width:

Looks like 62 chars before the scrollbar kicks in:
Welcome back, Hal!
  ¿uʍop-ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ sıɥʇ sı ʎɥʍ   cool
> ¿uʍop-ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ sıɥʇ sı ʎɥʍ

Wow! It even copied upside-down!

OK... I give up; how did you do it? (Years ago, a lefty friend told me that she could visualize da Vinci's mirror-writing in her head and transfer it to paper; a lefty, too, I experimented and found it to be true. cool )

Hmm...because it's not actually upside down? (The name of the thread is a hint.)

The sharp-eyed observer will note that the letter i lacks a dot, and that the letter t is a descender (similar to the y). In addition, the o, s and x (!) are in fact right side up, and the d, n, p and u are simply right side up p, u, d and n, respectively.

That still leaves a few genuinely inverted characters, but those can all be found (using the Character Palette, for instance) among the "IPA Extensions" in the Unicode "Latin" category (Unicode 0250/UTF8 C9 90 through Unicode 02AF/UTF8 CA AF).

Oh, except for the upside down question mark, which is part of the Latin-1 Supplement (Unicode 00BF/UTF8 C2 BF).

Um, did I get any of that right? laugh
Excellent! smile

(That's why my SAT Verbal score was what it was.)
Originally Posted By: dkmarsh
Um, did I get any of that right? laugh

Oh yes. And aside from Character Palette, there's also an old (Jaguar-vintage, ppc) program called FontRevealer which can quickly break down all the various [ASCII-/Uni]codes, and/or font substitutions.
Originally Posted By: Hal Itosis
And aside from Character Palette, there's also an old (Jaguar-vintage, ppc) program called FontRevealer which can quickly break down all the various [ASCII-/Uni]codes, and/or font substitutions.

FWIW, FontRevealer was updated today (first time since 2002!!!).
Couldn't decide which of the various threads about themes and colors in which to post this color matrix, so i decided my "test" thread might do. Below we can see the full (fixed) range of colors from the posting palette:


  CCCCCC FF6666 FF9966 FFFF66 FFFF33 66FF99 33FFFF 66FFFF 9999FF FF99FF

  C0C0C0 FF0000 FF9900 FFCC66 FFFF00 33FF33 66CCCC 33CCFF 6666CC CC66CC

  999999 CC0000 FF6600 FFCC33 FFCC00 33CC00 00CCCC 3366FF 6633FF CC33CC

  666666 990000 CC6600 CC9933 999900 009900 6600CC 3333FF 339999 993399

  333333 660000 993300 663366 333399 000099 336666 006600 666600 996633

  000000 330000 663300 663333 330099 000066 003333 003300 333300 330033

May as well add the smilies too: cool smile grin laugh wink tongue smirk blush crazy shocked frown mad confused

Note that 5555CC -- as used in a recent reply to artie -- is not an official color (not on the palette anyway), but i guess we can go "off the chart" if we want (or maybe the software snaps it to one of the fixed values? idunno).

Anyway, playing with the theme changer popup menu below while viewing this post might be useful for something.
Thanks, Hal. Very helpful and I appreciate your efforts on this.
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